Second baby not sleeping


First off I do want to say that I’m not trying to be lazy or don’t want to get up with her. However my second child keeps waking up at 2 am. She’s 5 months old today. So I’ll back track you guys a little. She was sleeping from 8-8 from 3 months and on and the Past week she’s been waking up at 2 am and is up for the day by 6 am. Bed time is 8 pm for her. With my first I definitely coddled Him and spoiled his every need. He didn’t sleep through the night entirely until he was about 2 1/2. I had him when I was 17 and really didn’t think much of it until now and I’m like what the hell was I thinking? Should I let her cry it out? Or do I continue to get up with her? She is teething so it’s just kind of hard for me to decide what to do. I don’t want to neglect her needs but at the same time I’m not getting up every night for the next 2 years. What would you do?