I feel like I'm taking crazy pills - PLEASE HELP!

Katy • 2 miscarriages (1 d&c). 2 chemicals. 2 ER. 1 FET❌ (5DAA) 2 FET (AB)✅ EDD: 10/5/21 🌈👶

Ok, so 5 days before my estimated period I noticed that when I wiped it looked a little pinkish. Being curious, I stuck some tp up to see if there was anything there and it was a little red. I decided to not use anything and see what happened as it was abnormally early and I have never experienced spotting before my normal AF. Well, that was all it was that day. Never left anything in my underwear and didn't show up again when I wiped that day. The next day, there was a little brown when I wiped. So I started thinking this might be implantation. It didn't happen every time I wiped and never went back to red. The next day was a little more brown.

Fast forward to yesterday. AF is due but there's no sign. I had felt some cramping on my left side in the night so I thought for sure I would be bleeding by morning but nada. Took a test. BFN. Now here we are today. Still no AF. Still BFN on my test. I got my opk surge right on time according to the app which leads me to believe I ovulated as predicted. At what point do I worry something else is going on?? Anyone have a BFP late?