Anyone with a big size of fibroid during pregnancy


So, I went to the L&D today, AGAIN. Long story but I will sum it up. My midwife is out of the office, no other way to reach her out so a nurse at that office encouraged me to go to L&D due to this ongoing pain in my lower abdominal on the left side. Which I took her advice and went there. I had a super sweet OB checked on me. The baby is perfectly fine. It was just ME that has an issue with this pain. She found a big size of this fibroid inside my uterus and my baby’s head is under it. It makes this pain unbearable every time he moves against it 😣 to the point where I couldn’t walk normally. Ugh. There’s nothing they can do about it. All I need is a bedrest, drink a lot of water and take a Tylenol when I’m in so much pain, that’s it. Ugh. Ok, is sex allowed or no no? I forgot to ask the OB about that. Will my baby still get to move to upside down from transverse despite of that stupid fibroid in the way?