Teething help.

🌻🌺Trinkster🌺🌻 • Mamma to my little man 10/02/18 and little girl 11/29/19

My son is almost 11 months old. For the past week he has been drooling a lot and chewing on anything he can get his little hands on.

His top teeth are visible through his gums (I think). They are little white spots that are about the size of teeth. I’m pretty sure that’s them. Does that mean they are getting ready to come through? If so, how long does that take once you can see them through the gums?

Also, he hasn’t gotten his bottoms yet either. I think it’s STARTING to look like they may come through, but I can’t really tell as he doesn’t let me get his mouth open enough to look. Is it a problem if his tops come in before the bottoms?

I’m just curious about these few things and wondering if I should expect his teeth to come through in the next few days.