
For a little backstory, my first trimester was very rough. Debilitating nausea/vomiting from week 5-10. The day after my very first ultrasound, I woke up with profuse bleeding & was diagnosed with a placental hemorrhage that has since become less threatening to the baby. From weeks 10-12, my nausea had subsided & so had the bleeding... I was finally getting my energy back & hopeful for trimester two to be much more peaceful. Everybody & their mother told me it would be.

So there I was... approaching the second trimester hoping for a little less stress... hoping to be able to “enjoy my pregnancy” like everyone encourages me to do. (Side note: after the hemorrhage, everything has terrified me. This is my first pregnancy... I have no idea what to expect but that turned my world upside down.) Every new symptom has caused me more of a panic than anything. So I am beyond ready to feel at ease. So 12w1d comes along & I am so nauseous I can’t think straight. I’m working & cannot miss or leave for the day. I wound up throwing up on myself in my car on the way home that day & have not had a break since. I have lost 5 pounds this week (it is Wednesday) & am probably dehydrated if nothing else. I can’t keep anything down. My medication to help with nausea is no longer helping & I am completely miserable.

I guess more than anything, I’m hoping I’m not alone.... I am having a hard time being happily pregnant because I have hit so many bumps along the way. Is anyone else going through anything similar? I’m at my wits end.