MIL’s a long one


So I’m currently at the hospital up with some pain that I’m hoping my nurse will help with in a minute but had to get this story off my chest while I wait.

My MIL hasn’t spoken to my husband or I in 2 months. We didn’t even discuss her being here because I was suddenly being induced this evening and we only had found out this morning.

Well he called her and she apparently ripped his head off because in her words, I think I’m too good for his family. This stems from her wanting to throw me a large baby shower after the baby was born and I just didn’t want to do it for after his birth. It’s my first one and I am not knowing how I’m going to be feeling in general, I’m sure I’ll be overwhelmed and a potential large post birth baby shower gives me serious anxiety. I can’t help it, it’s how I feel. Maybe by baby number two I’ll realize it’s ok, or maybe I won’t, I DONT KNOW. but right now it’s a big no from both my husband and I.

This turned into her family not being good enough to have a shower with since we did one, a very very early one in Ohio which is where all my friends and family live. We live in Boston and my husbands family lives in MA. I had a shower June 2nd, I was supposed to deliver sept 6 so pretty early for a shower.

So now she basically calling me an elitist and said I didn’t want the second shower because what they would have gotten me to up have been worse. Uhhh no lady.. I messaged her July 3rd after I heard about her after baby shower, which was supposed to be surprise I might add...

This was sent in between weeks of messages she had not responded too. Earlier messages were convos about the TDAP vaccine which she was at the my appointment where we discussed it. My midwife said, any grandparents who plan on being around the baby a lot should get it and looked right at her. She didn’t respond and then asked a random question about rh factor babies which didn’t pertain to literally anything.

Well it also came out tonight that she was really furious that we even ask her to get the shot which ok, that’s fine, but she never mentioned she was. I would have easily talked to her about it because I know it’s asking someone to do something they may not want to do but no, she kept it in and now has this “how dare you” attitude about it.

I guess the phone call ended in a hang up on her part and she calmed down and called back and said she’s getting it tomorrow morning before she comes but she was still acting pissed. My husband said, it’s not just her (me), I am appreciating that you’re doing it too. Which makes me think she was just blaming me for all her reasons to be pissed at both of us.

I don’t know what she told him about coming up tomorrow, he’s going to tell me when he gets here at 7:30 am but clearly she plans to come up here.

It’s already stated that the only support I need in the room is him and the nurses already said they stick by that since you literally have to be buzzed in. She will meet him when he’s out and done with his skin to skin contact and we have our own time with him first.

I am truly wondering what her attitude is gong to be like and after birth I’m already going to be cleaning shit off myself most likely so I won’t be taking it from anyone else.