Possible trigger šŸ˜ž


***POSSIBLE TRIGGER**** itā€™s a long one I do apologise!

On Monday I had a little bleed and some pains, I rang 111 and asked if I could be seen by someone if I went up, I got offered a call back and nothing more. The call back wasnā€™t much help either I got told to stay at home. On Tuesday the pain i had, had gotten worse, again I rang 111 I got told they couldnā€™t do anything, I rang my doctors and my midwife and they both advised me to go to A&E and be seen. So I did exactly that. I came to A&E as I was told to do, I sat around waiting for a good few hours, I finally got checked over at the out of hours gp department my temp, my bloods, my blood pressure and a feel of my tummy, The woman that saw me never updated me on anything and never filled me in with what she thought was wrong with me. She eventually gave me an envelope and sent me to a ward on the maternity unit. Where I got told I would be scanned.


ā€œEtopic pregnancyā€

I got to the ward I was sent to. Sat around for about 2 hours to be seen and scanned. To then be seen by someone who did again my bloods, my temp, my blood pressure, a feel of my belly, an internal and a wee sample. Basically the same as I had two hours before. I got told I tested positive for a bad water infection, I had horrendous pain on my left side and going dizzy and light headed. I got reassured it was only the water infection that was making me feel like this. I got given a prescription and sent on my way. At 7pm last night ANOTHER doctor called me, told me my hormone level was at 1051 his words exactly was ā€œthey are raised but thatā€™s obvious during pregnancy, Iā€™m also assuming your having an Etopic pregnancyā€ I asked what I was supposed to do and got told I couldnā€™t do anything. He had referred me to the early pregnancy unit and I was booked in for a scan Friday at 12. My hormone level today was 541 so dropped massively

This morning at half 8 in the morning I started bleeding bright red blood. The pain had got so much worse and I physically couldnā€™t move. I rang the ward I was on yesterday and I got told there wasnā€™t anything that could be done. I rang the early pregnancy unit and they refused to scan me until Friday. So I rang 111 back because I knew I wasnā€™t right and my health was going down fast. They then sent an ambulance out to me after telling me not to take any painkillers. (I also got told the same yesterday so went two days in absolute agony) when the ambulance people arrived I was crying, I was shaking, I was close to passing out from the pain. They rang the ward I was on yesterday and they still refused to accept me, still refused a scan, still refused me a place. At 11 oā€™clock the ambulance people rang my doctors and they demanded I was taken to A&E and seen ASAP! Again I sat for over 3 hours in the A&E Department waiting room in absolute agony, heavily bleeding and not knowing what was happening, after over 3 hours I got told I could go to the ward I was on yesterday, and off they sent me, off I went to the ward I was on yesterday, over 4 hours waiting just to be seen, finally got seen, again got told it could be the water infection, then again I got told it could be an Etopic pregnancy, then I got left for another 3/4 hours again in absolute agony, an emotional mess. I had all the same tests I had yesterday. 2 hours later Iā€™ve been told I need to stay in hospital because thereā€™s a good chance I can bleed out in the night. AGAIN Iā€™ve been told it could be a miscarriage that my body isnā€™t dealing well with. 3 days Iā€™ve been refused. 3 days Iā€™ve been sat in absolute agony all day. 3 days Iā€™ve been past from doctors to doctors. FINALLY Iā€™m now in a hospital bed, getting scanned tomorrow to confirm what we knew all along..

Surly this isnā€™t acceptable for a hospital? Iā€™m aware they have other patients. Iā€™m aware they are busy. But to leave a patient in the amount of pain I have been in, to leave me for 3 days not knowing whatā€™s happening. 2 days being told various things. Refusing to see me etc. Iā€™m heartbroken, Iā€™m emotional, Iā€™m mentally and physically exhausted! Pictures of the bruises from the bloods taken just TODAY!!