Babbling/talking yet?



Is your sept ‘18 baby talking yet?

My boy babbles but not with consonants. (Mostly ahhhhh). I’ve heard him go “mmmmm” but like twice.

It worries me because the doctor said by 12 months he should be saying mama or dada with purpose.

I feel like he’s not even close to that.

His cousin who is two months younger is saying mama and baba already.

Just wondering where everyone else’s babies are. (Even though I know I shouldn’t compare)

Is this a “he will get there when he gets there” or should I be worried? I know I’ll talk to the doctor about it at his 1 year appointment but that’s not until mid September

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Posted at
Every kid is different. Every kid focusing on learning different things. For example my daughter who is 3 1/2 was talking more at 1 year old but didn’t even take her first steps until her first birthday. My son who will be 1 on Sept 12th has been walking for 2 months now but just babbles and sometimes says mama without purpose. If your worried maybe look into sign language and how you can prompt speaking. I wouldn’t at this such young age.


Posted at
My daughter is turning one sept 2 and he first word at 8 months was Baba my husband was so happy bc that’s what he wants her to call him so ever since I kept saying Mama like 100 times a day and still she hasn’t said it. Every time I say mama she says Dada back ! So then eventually she started saying Dada, then Da, Dad, Daddy and she says Ohhhhhh but she just won’t say Mama !!😭😭 I was getting a little concerned bc I thought she should be saying some words by now and I thought at least Mama right after. If I tell her to kiss us she opens her mouth and goes to our cheek she can wave and clap but not blow kisses I tried that for awhile and then stopped trying again now 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sa • Sep 2, 2019
My boy blows kisses, and while the action is all wrong, the sound he makes is on point. He raspberries for the blow part, and makes a kiss sound by pulling his finger out his mouth. It is super cute.


Posted at
My son babbles mostly. Mumum, dadada, bababa... And a couple of times now he has struggled out a mama, if I have been slow to bring him food. Last time was a month ago now. But it seems to take him some effort. They have so much they are capable of learning at the moment, I think it just depends on their personality and their environment, as to what they focus on first. Are they showing any understanding of what you say? I think that's key, prior to purposeful talking.


Posted at
Every kids is different and I’ve heard that sometimes boys speech doesn’t develop as quickly. My daughter is very advanced in her speech and I recognize it’s kind of abnormal how much she is able to do. I wouldn’t worry too much till it starts getting to the 1 1/2 year point. I know a lot of kids who didn’t talk much till 2+ I’ve worked with kids a lot so I’ve got a decent bit of experience with all age ranges.


Posted at
My son turns 1 in 6 days and can only say mama, dada and tataanda bunch of blob words lol.


Posted at
My LO is 11.5 months. He says mama and dada without purpose and that's about it. He likes to growl and make those ahhhhhh sounds. 🤷‍♀️ a part of me worries but I dont want to put too much stress on him right now. He will speak when he is ready.


Posted at
I wouldn’t worry about it. All kids do things in their own time. Some super early, some super late.


Posted at
My daughter will be 1 next Sunday and she can says “mama, dada, baba, bay-bay, yeah. On other hand my sister in laws daughter is 5 months older than my daughter and still don’t talk at all (not even mama) . We have the same pediatricians and they says it’s normal.