It has finally happened!!!


It's been a long, tough, winding road. There's been ups but there's been a shit ton of downs. I've waited for this day, imagined it many times over. Replayed it on repeat and now that it's here I just wanna scream.

Like many of you on this app, our journey hasn't been an easy one. Millions of tears she'd, doctor's visits, countless "remedies", diets etc. Spent too many days calculating ovulation days, tracking bbt and making sure to BD through it all.

I'm in complete disbelief. I just want everyone to know don't give up. Please don't. I almost did (I'll admit there were a few times when I did) but just keep going. I never thought we would successfully conceive and here we are today.

Thank you all for all the support you have shown this girl over my years of struggle, depression and anger.

I'm proof that it can happen when you LEAST expect it. Love you all and keep the faith.