Just need to say it out loud


So, we've had a journey. Our first baby is now 9 months old. For a little while, we were ttc, but then we decided it would be better to wait until we were in a better position, and my SO is worried siblings close in age will fight a lot. So, we stopped trying, but we aren't really preventing either, cuz neither of us would be upset about another baby.

Anyway, this month, we had sex right after my period ended, really low chance of pregnancy there. But for the last few days I've started to think that I'm pregnant. Logically, I know not to put stock into this. I've done it before when we ttc our first, and I was completely off base, but I still can't get it out of my head. I keep looking up baby things, and I don't want to tell anyone, cuz I know I'm probably wrong. I just had to admit it to somebody, so thank you for being a sounding board.