Not actually ovulating?

Shelby • adeline’s mama 102418 | 👼🏻 011220 | ttc #2 | dog mum | artist 🎨

This is the second month where my period has started soon after I ovulated. First cycle, my period started at 4dpo. This cycle, it started at 7 dpo. What do I do next? Why am I starting so early? I didn’t have this problem with my first 😓 I’ve only been tracking with OPK’s for two months and I got off of birth control in April. Could coming off BC cause all this? It’s almost September, is it normal to take this long to regulate back? So confused and disheartened. I can’t even make it the whole TWW before bleeding. 😪

*For the record, I know OPK’s don’t confirm ovulation so wondering if this sounds like I’m just trying to but not actually ovulating.

*I try to track BBT but I’m up a lot throughout the nights so my numbers are not consistent or reliable.

*OPK’s for this cycle are below