Constipation and a scare!

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI

Last night I was a bit constipated. I think I still have a hemorrhoid or some type of issue from when I gave birth to my daughter 2.5yrs ago so I occasionally bleed.

I was trying to go, looked down and saw blood in the toilet-saw blood so I wiped and not only was there blood but there was also some tissue! I freaked out at first and I thought it was coming from the baby😱 I stood up to wipe more and figure out where it was coming from and it was from the back thank goodness but oh my gosh! Never never never seen tissue from trying to use the bathroom! Sorry for the pic but I wanted to know if anyone else has ever had something like this happen.