My 37 hour labor and hemorrhage....


My labor and delivery was the last thing I expected, but I am SO proud of myself!

I went in for an induction on my due date (August 18) at 8pm. To say I was a ball of nerves and emotion is an understatement. We started 3 rounds of cytotec every 4 hours. I thinned out more but didn’t dilate more. My doctor came in and broke my water, and inserted a tube next to baby girl’s head so we could better read my contractions. We then started pitocin at 12 and man did those contractions ramp up.

I requested the epidural pretty straight away and I’m not going to lie.. I hated every second. I felt EVERYTHING. Then I had a reaction and started itching and I have never itched like that in my life it was torture. They gave me Benadryl and that didn’t relieve the itch, so I got another round of something else that I don’t remember and it knocked me TF out, I think I slept off an on for 7 hours🙌🏼

Around midnight that night my pitocin was upped some more and this is where things get a bit fuzzy. Every contraction I had I got insane pressure down there so I labored through that for hours(I didn’t know at the time that my epidural stopped working only in my vaginal area... lucky me)

We decided to start pushing around 6am and after two hours baby girl was not moving past my pubic bone. My doctor told me I had one more hour to get baby out or we had to go in for a c section to avoid issues afterwards. When I heard this something in me snapped and I went to this almost motherly animalistic place and I pushed that girl out in an hour. Completely natural I felt EVERYTHING.

I hemorrhaged afterwards and that was scary. I could feel the waterfall of blood coming out and saw the look on the doctors faces. I’m 3 days PP and on iron pills

Not what I expected, but my girl is worth it and I’d do it all over again!