Please help. I don't know how to be a mom.


I'm a FTM, my son was born on the 13th and we came home one week ago. I had an emergency c-section that was pretty traumatizing for my wife. We obviously make loving choices for him and want to protect and take care of him, but we are both so miserable. We just don't know what to do. I'm 22 and my wife is 26, my chances of getting pregnant were almost zero so when we got accadentlly pregnant we decided it could be our only shot and I have always wanted to have kids. But now, almost 2 weeks post partum, we are both losing it. We feel like prisoners. Afraid every time we think he's waking up. All he does is cry and cluster feed and I feel like an object. We don't know what we're doing, we don't know how to calm him down, we feel terrible when we can't calm him because we love him and don't want him to be upset. Neither one want to eat or really do anything, we just exist, and even that takes all of our energy. Please, if anyone has any type of advice or even just to know that someone else feels the same...all I can think about is how nice and relaxing tonight would be if we didn't have a screaming baby, and it makes me feel like a terrible person who doesn't deserve to have him.