Husband and I have been off

We recently welcomed our first baby, it’s been a week and it has taken a toll on both of us. Learning so many things and being cautious about everything because it makes us nervous. Specially myself because I want him to be ok, I hear a chocking sound I get up immediately.. I’m jealous of my husband how he can sleep so easily and I’m left with the duty. Yesterday my LO did not fall asleep soon he was awake from 11 to 3 am.. I was with him this whole time. He cries and idk what to do. I feel bad because then I get frustrated whenever my husband holds him I tell him he’s holding him wrong or he’s doing things the wrong way. When I know we are both learning. We got to the point where we stress about little things and we get to each other’s throat. 😞 got to the point where we cuss at each other. It breaks my heart because instead of our baby bringing us close it’s tearing us apart. We are supposed to be as one.. I don’t know how to handle all this. I feel so alone and I have the baby blues so I’m crying most of the time. I want to be the best mom I can be. The wife he deserves but it’s hard and nothing ever comes easy. I’m just ranting.. want to get it off my chest. Also my husband did hurt my feelings when he said then why did you have a baby if you’re tired of this shit. I only said I was tired of this shit meaning im tired of us arguing everyday about the smallest things. I carried my LO for 9 months for a reason. I wanted him and I kept him. Well sorry for the long post I’m just drained and letting this out at least on here makes me feel better.