FTM Feeding

Kira • Kira judd

Hi ok so my name is Kira and my daughter's name is Willow she is 5 weeks old and is a preemie I had her at 36 weeks on July 21st my question is can anyone tell me why she has started to eat less she was doing 2 to 2 1/2 ounces which she just started taking last week and she was consistently at 18 to 20 ounces in a 24 hour period now she barely wants an ounce and when ever she eats she kind of let's the formula flow out of her mouth and right after she finishes she gets a bit fussy and just today she has a pain sounding cry 😢 I'm taking her to the Dr tomorrow but I was hoping that someone could give me some advice what can I do for now if she's in pain like that