Hello, uterus... anyone there??

Babz • ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

I'm getting so frustrated. I tracked for an entire YEAR before our first active cycle, and although I didn't do OPKs every single month, AF was consistently to the app's prediction on the months I didn't, so I'm assuming that means I ovulated on time then. The months I *did* OPK, my + came on CD22-24 almost every time (two freak months where I kept testing till like day 35 and nothing, but got AF more than 2 weeks after I stopped testing).

ICI with syringe+softcup on Tuesday (20th/CD19) and Friday (23rd/CD22), one more possible/planned on Monday (26th/CD25). Tuesday was at the tail end of my app's prediction... but then I didn't get my + on Friday as expected, so Tuesday was for nothing. Then, because Friday's was so close, my wife got a donation on Friday (unplanned) and we were hoping for a + on Saturday. Still nope.

This is our first active month, and I'm not expecting miracles, so I'm not going to let myself get bummed out if it doesn't work the first month... but I am so bummed that I keep "missing" the window because my body isn't cooperating. It's like I'm subjecting myself to an uncomfortable part of this process for NO REASON because there isn't even a CHANCE of it working outside of the window (and even within the window, the chances aren't great at the edges). I already told my wife, if I don't get my + today or tomorrow, we're not doing Monday, we're just going to sit out the rest of this cycle.

Fingers crossed for my + today... I just had to vent.