Did I have a miscarriage ?

This clot is the size of my hand. I recently started birth control this past month, so I’ve only been on it about a month. I’ve been having sex but only form of protection has been my birth control and I know it says that birth control really doesn’t get in your system right away.

Anyways I started lightly bleeding last night but then next thing in the morning I had sharp pains in my stomach. I could barley move. It felt more like contractions than cramps. It would squeeze my lower stomach and back and last about two minutes then go away. Then start back up right after. Finally I went to the bathroom, which took me awhile to even stand up and when I sat on the toilet this came out. And I felt almost immediate relief from the pain. I don’t know if I had a miscarriage or if this is just a period blood clot. I took a test couple days ago but it read negative but I always had symptoms of being pregnant, I was super tired, throwing up or feeling sick, and my boobs were so sore I didn’t want my husband touching them. But now that I have gotten the clot out I feel fine. I had a friend who had a negative test but had a miscarriage a week after and hers looked exactly like this, and she went to the doctor and they confirmed it but I don’t have money to pay to go to a doctor to find out right now. So did I miscarry?