Body Anxiety?

Hi! I'm writing this now because I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't even know how to say it anymore but I have an obsession with my appearance that is ruining my life. I'm 14 years old but I look older, I'm tall, I'm overweight but I still have curves and a body shape (I have a small waist but bigger thighs and hips and also a bigger chest) so it's not that bad but I have extremely low self confidence. I'm obsessed with my flaws and everything about me. I haven't been to school properly in 3 years because of this. I can spend hours looking in the mirror and crying trying to identify every single flaws about my body and solutions to hide them. Sometimes they aren't even visible to people but yet it makes me go crazy. I wear tons of makeup to hide my imperfections and always spend hours trying to pick outfits and accessories that are going to hide all of those flaws. I avoid going out and be a normal teenager because of how bad it can be sometimes, I can't even go out without makeup because of how uncomfortable it makes me. My mom tried to make me go out without makeup once and I had a panic attack and refused to go out of the house for a whole week afterwards. It's an obsession and it's constantly ruining me. I spend so much time comparing myself to everyone and I want to avoid mirrors but at the same time I need to always look at myself to make sure that something isn't wrong. People are always like "it's normal everyone has those days" but those days to me are my entire life. I doubt it's normal for a 14 y/o to not even be able to go to school because of how much she can't handle her appearance, I don't know what to do anymore and I'm just so tired of it but it won't stop