Moving baby to crib


So long story short I had horrible ppd/ppa/ocd with my first which resulted in me creating a co sleeping monster. So this time around I’m really trying to not start bad habits. Baby girl has been sleeping very well in her bassinet next to the bed.

I would love to get her transitioned in the crib within the next few months. She’ll be 3 months next week and is really moving all over the place in the bassinet and will soon outgrow it. But she’s a big spitter. I can feed her, hold her upright for 30 mins and over an hour later she will spit up and leaving her in her crib in the other room makes me nervous. Should I just use the crib or pack n play in our room? We do have the baby monitor. Any other tips to help alleviate anxiety around this? I worry more about her laying in spitup being wet more so than her actually choking on it.