Struggling with

Being the bigger person. I'm not entirely sure which way is the best way to go here. My family is at a crossroads with how to proceed with my estranged in laws. My MIL has made it more than clear she has zero interest in reconciling as long as her daughter feels the way she feels about her brother and our family. My MIL chose my SILs family over her own son based on a lack of knowledge and misconstrued information. My DH has tried multiple times to settle things especially before the birth of our child, but all attempts have failed and his mom refuses to even speak on it. Pretty sad. So we agree to cut them off and they'll have no part in our life.

Except what does cutting them off mean? I say zero pictures, zero updates. My DH can speak to his family but shouldn't talk about the kids at all. We don't want to pacify the behavior by still allowing them a glimpse of our life. Or is that stooping to their level? Should we be open as we have nothing to hide and hope one day things will change?