Black dot?


So, a few weeks back, I saw a black dot, kinda like a pimple on my labia, very near the entrance on the right side, and the whole area around it was very red and irritated, and it itched like crazy, I had to put ice cubes or camomile tea bags to soothe it a bit. I did go to the gynecologist because I also had a yeast infection (white cheesy discharge and all that jazz) and she did give me a 7 day therapy (vaginalettes) and just told me she had no idea what the black pimple is (she didn't even have a magnifying tool to see it better) but just told me to come after 7 days for another appointment. However, I got my period just as I ended the 7 day medication, so I couldn't come visit her. During my period I had no itching, or at least I couldn't really notice it I guess. But today, when my period's finally over, I got to check it again with a mirror, and the black dot is still there! And the skin is a little red around it, and itches a bit. I have zero idea what to do, cause obviously my ob/gyn doesn't even know what it is. I'm really mad about the whole situation. Any advice?