Don't ever let a Dr discourage you from your "Birth Adventure." This is my VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Csec) birth story.

Before I get started, this is not to put down any csection birth, and I am not giving any medical advice. Always seek advice from your Dr before making any final decisions. Sorry, the paralegal in me had to say that first lol. Anyways, I call this my "birth adventure," because I hate the term "birth plan." On the real, you can never predict what may happen while giving birth. Just like with my first child; there were labor complications. Starting with an induced labor, because I was 41.5 weeks, a very long labor (almost two days and on a hospital bed), asked too early for an epidural (was only at 2cm), a uterus infection, a stressed fetus, and eventually leading to an unplanned csection. At first, this made me feel defeated as a woman and a failure as a mother (was over that quickly soon as I saw my baby girl), and aside from that it also was the most painful recovery of my life! I wanted a vaginal birth more than anything and I firmly believed that if it wasn't for the unforeseen complications, I know I could of had a vaginal birth the first time around. Which is why I waited a very long time to have my second child (almost 9 years to the date). When my husband and I found out we were expecting, without a doubt I knew I wanted a VBAC, and my husband had my back all the way. But, according to my Dr the odds were against me. I remember him telling me I wasn't a good candidate for VBAC because of me being over weight, my baby will be "too big" to push out if I go passed my due date again, and the fact that previous medical records stated I had stopped dilating (which was BS btw, I made it to 8cm the first time) and that its likely to happen again, and he highly recommended a planned csec. Being the stubborn and persistent woman that I am lol I fought for my VBAC consent form. Ultimately, my Dr told me it's my decision, and the goal is to deliver a healthy baby and make sure I'm safe as well. But, that didn't stop them from CONSTANTLY reminding me almost every appointment of those odds against me, and evidently I also felt doubts about a successful VBAC. This time around I wanted to labor majority of my labor at home. It was in my due date October 2nd when prelabor started, I lost my mucus plug that morning and was having contractions off and on throughout the day. I still went about my day, did my yoga, ran a few errands and Saturday morning around 2am I checked in the hospital thinking I was in active labor, boy was I wrong lol I was only 1.5cm and was advised to stay, but I said hell no. I did stay until baby's heart rate was normal and I was hydrated, but soon as they gave me the ok to go home I did, I ran home! lol I was not going to labor at the hospital at 1.5cm, at that point contractions were still going but not as strong. It wasn't until 2am Sunday when "real labor" started, and at 7:30am is when I knew I was in active labor. How? Cause I couldn't speak during each contraction and I'm sure I woke up a few of my neighbors at that point with all the screaming! My water broke soon as I arrived to the hospital, and I was at 7cm, a few hours later and only 15-20 minutes of pushing. My healthy baby girl was born Sunday October 4 at 3:31pm, and she was 6.13lbs! Let me just end this by saying the whole "Big women can't VBAC" is BS!!! and at long as there isn't major pregnancy complications any woman can VBAC.