SOS. I need your thoughts


So back in March my husband and I got married. (9 years of dating and 2 kids in it finally happened) everything was going well. Up until about 11am an hour before the ceremony was set to begin. I get a phone call from my venue coordinator that my dad was there telling him off that where was I and that where the”f” was the ceremony at. I had him give my dad the phone and I told him to cut the crap that the ceremony was at the address I had given him months prior and it was on the invitation not to mention we had talked about it for months and I had reminded him about it the day prior when we had rehearsals and he chose to not show up! Anywho so that started it all. I had to back up my ceremony to allow time for my dad to get there took him over an hour. I was so annoyed I was going to walk without him and have my son only walk me but my mom got upset. (Parents are divorced) so I waited. The ceremony happened we took our family and individual pictures. We were good time to head to the venue.. well we get to the venue we do our entrance we were sitting to eat my husband and I. I had reserved tables next to us for my family and in laws. My parents and sisters chose to sit far away next to the door leaving those tables empty. My mom ate and went to my husband and told him she was leaving and to enjoy the wedding she also told us she wasn’t going to watch our kids over night as agreed for us to go to the hotel and have our honeymoon and then she dropped the bomb that she was leaving on vacation the next day and that she would see us in 3 weeks.. and she left. 20 minutes later my sisters come and say thanks for the food we are leaving and they left, and then my dad walks in with his girlfriend and the girlfriends daughter in which we don’t get along she has always said horrible crap about my mom and I won’t tolerate that shit. Anywho my dad arrived sat to eat. And 30 minutes later they left as well. He told me nice wedding and they left. I cried I was devastated. My whole family left. I was left without a father daughter dance no family support.. my daughter was only 2 months old i carried her the whole night because I didn’t have someone to watch her. It wasn’t not the wedding I dreamt of. Now it’s been 5 months since I spoke to any of them. And they haven’t seen my kids not because I don’t let them but because they choose to not come and see them. My son who is 8 is now asking why they won’t visit him or answer his calls when he calls and I get so heartbroken I cry every Time. My family is a POS. Do I have a right to be so upset with them? I can’t even look at my wedding photos without wanting to cry that such an amazing day was ruined by them.