Feeling extra hormonal today


Alright, so I'm 35 weeks pregnant with my second, which is probably why I'm feeling so dang emotional. My son just turned 2 on the 11th and still doesnt talk. He says uh oh and uh huh, shakes his head no, waves bye bye when he feels like it, etc. Recently, hes becoming more and more defiant. He throws toys ALL DAY LONG, and when he gets frustrated he hits.

We've just gone through transitioning off the paci, which he did wonderfully and I just started maternity leave while stay at home dad went back to work. I'm fairly certain this is partially an issue, though he has been throwing and hitting for several weeks now. I'm also certain his lack of talking is making his frustrations worse.

The early intervention teacher came today and my she asked if his behavior was something new. She commented on his defiance. I'm trying to be consistent with consequences for his behavior, but time out is a game, taking toys hasn't phased him, I dont believe in hitting or spanking but I tried hand swatting and that also doesn't work. I'm running out of ideas. Right now I am trying sitting with him and holding his hands calmly until he relaxes and then following up with telling him it isn't okay to hit or throw and what he can do instead. It's yet to be seen if it's helping.

I just feel like crying today. I feel like a helpless mother with a behavior problem child who can't talk. The mom guilt is real and logically I know I'm being hormonal, but emotions are getting the best of me right now. Anyway, I'm not one for posting such things on a forum, but I'm at my wits end today. Thanks for reading.