I FAILED MY DRIVING TEST 😭 can you help me understand why?

So I did my drivers test because I’m 7 months pregnant and I NEED to get my license before baby comes and also it’s about to expire.

I can’t afford driving lessons, so my boyfriend has been taking me out and trying his best to teach me. I find I’m so so nervous and just second guess myself all the time. I suffer from major anxiety so when it comes to driving it’s just bad for me. I just need to get a little more confident but tbh I don’t like driving!

But I’m getting my license for our family. Anyways, I finally went and FAILED. My boyfriend was confused because he said I drive so good. Anyways this is what my score sheet said as to why I failed...

1. Improper choice of lane

2. Unmarked roadway

3. Fails to observe properly: controlled

4. Right of way: other traffic and position

5. Too short: cuts corner

6. Intersections: controlled/uncontrolled

Can you please help me to understand what this all means and what I should work on? I have another test in two weeks and it’s about to expire. I think I just got super nervous and made mistakes I typically wouldn’t have.

One question I have is when it comes to intersections. I still do not understand that. Do I pull up a little bit and then let oncoming traffic go and then once it’s safe go or?

I already feel like the biggest loser so please no judgment.