Very faint line

Joy🍑 • Baby#1🍀bornOct’21

I am so confused. I have been having severe nausea and fatigue this week and I’ve had a backache. I asked my MIL, who is a nurse, about my symptoms and if she thought I could be getting the flu. I haven’t had the flu for several years, so I forgot what it really feels like to be getting it. She told me to take a pregnancy test.

I just had a period from Aug 14-20. I am predicted to ovulate today, Aug 30. I took an ovulation test last night, Aug 29, and it showed positive. I took a pregnancy test this morning, just to humor myself, and I saw a very very faint second line. I have NEVER had even the faintest positive on any other pregnancy test I’ve taken before. I’m thinking this is a false positive, and if it is, it’s my first.