Worst kiss & tell


So I had “the boy who got away” fairy tale where I had sat next to this boy in biology class and he was BEAUTIFUL. Like seriously the most amazing gem in that entire school. He asked me out on a date and we had fun, but I moved schools shortly after and we drifted a part. Fast forward three years and we ended up working at a country club pool together for a summer. We were college kids by then and both were in a long term relationship. There was subtle flirting, but nothing more and we drifted a part after that summer yet again.

Five years later and in our mid twenties he had always been the boy that I felt like was the love that never happened. Then one day out of the blue I decided to find him on Facebook. I had been out of an 8 year relationship for a year and a half by then, and I wanted to see if him and his girlfriend of five years were still together... I couldn’t find him.

The very next day I got a message request, it was him. 😧

He wrote that it had been way too long since he had seen me and that he had heard I was no longer with my boyfriend. He said that he always had feelings for me but the timing was never right. He didn’t want to say he never tried because I was the one that got away.

*heart melts*

We go on a date that week and it was GREAT. He was still as beautiful as ever (he is an ER nurse and models on the side for magazines). It was too good to be true. His family was amazing, I met them years before at the country club so it already felt like home. 🏡

There was one problem though... he didn’t know how to kiss. Like REALLY DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO KISS. 27 years old at this point and he gave me three of the most cringe worthy kisses of my life. 😂

Let me paint you a picture.

You know how normal kisses use lips to press up against each other? Well he didn’t.

When it came down to the big moment three dates in of not kissing me- he opened his month as wide as it could go, stuck out his tongue and started FLICKING MY FRONT TEETH. I kid you not, he FLICKED MY FRONT TEETH. Over and over and over. I’m just staring at his mouth mortified while he continues to go at it.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and didn’t say anything. We were completely sober mind you, but I wanted to give him another chance. We went on two more dates after that and each date ended with a flicking bad time.

We ended up parting ways, our sexual chemistry was just not there. It ended my 12 year crush saga, and he shortly after fell in love with another nurse and got engaged and happily married. So it brings me joy to know that he found someone else to flick, and I no longer have the feeling of being in love with the one that got away.

The end.

Now tell me your bad kiss stories!