Is the normal?

Bear with me this is long but I need opinions. So I've seen an OBGYN for about the past 8 years who I absolutely loved. I was with her when we started ttc two years ago. Last fall I went in for my yearly exam when I found out she was taking an early retirement due to family problems she needed to be home for. I was so sad to see her go but obviously understood. She referred me to her replacement, but since I still hadn't gotten pregnant and just had my yearly exam, I didnt see the new doctor right away. Now fast forward, 10 months later I'm now pregnant. I scheduled my first appt with this new OB. Before my first appointment I was having extremely severe sharp pains and called the doctor to see if it was normal. She said "welllllll, no it's not, so um idk maybe we should just, like, check your hcg levels and once it's over 2500 we can schedule an ultrasound to make sure it's not ectopic." She almost seemed like she didnt know what to do which was odd to me. My HCG level was 83. 3 days later retested at 192. 5 days had gone by when she finally called me and told me to get it checked again. This time it was at 1100. She sent me an email saying "looks good. No need for further testing." Okay I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that doesnt tell you if its ectopic or not. Never addressed the pain again. Now fast forward 4 weeks to today I had my first official OB appointment. At the time of scheduling, they told me feel free to bring your husband or whoever. So my husband leaves work early to come with me. When I'm called back we're told he's not allowed in the room. I talked with the nurse for 30 minutes, the doctor came in to talk and do a pelvic exam which took another 40 minutes. By this time my husband had been waiting over an hour with no idea what was going on and thinking he wasn't allowed there at all so he left. At this point they went to get him to come in for the last 5 minutes to do an ultrasound but of course he had left which I really don't blame him. We were both pretty mad that we were told for him to come then he was made to stay in the waiting room that whole time. They could have told us ahead of time that he could arrive late because he wasn't allowed in the room anyways. Is this normal practice? I've never heard of the husband not being allowed in the room. These two experiences makes me wonder if I should switch doctors because both times now I havent been happy with the way things were handled. Am I overreacting? Opinions?