Weight Lifting Restriction


Hey ladies! Just thought I would get some others opinions out there. This is my second pregnancy and am being seen by a different OBGYN from first pregnancy. When pregnant with my son i wasnt a very active person, just went through the day to day routine and my OB said for work she didnt want me lifting more than 20lbs. Was just her standard note for patients so we wouldnt strain ourselves at work. While losing the baby weight after birth I became very active especially in lifting weights, something i fell in love with ! Been on a consistent routine now for about three years (gym 3-4 times a week). I have a more physically demanding job now than i did back then, lifting things up to cribs, tables, small fridges. My new OB said that i can continue to lift things that didnt strain me before i was pregnant( furniture isnt often and obviously would never attempt something like that by myself while pregnant) but i can lift at minimum 50lbs without straining myself. She said she is more than happy to write me a note for restriction down to whatever i feel comfortable with. What are you ladies still comfortable with? Obviously not doing the weights anymore and doing more cardio so im thinking 40lbs? No different than what my son weighs?