Positive vibes


Hey ladies, I could really use some positivity right now. This morning at my weekly check up, I'm 38w3d, my OB told me I was measuring smaller then what they "like" so I was sent over to an Imaging center for a sonogram then sent back to my Doctors after and was told my amniotic fluid was low. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 10am to run tests at the hospital I'll be delivering at. I'm not sure if I'll be getting induced. My OB told me that that would be decided tomorrow. I'm nervous and anxious and just want her to be okay, safe and healthy. I know I'm far along enough to where she wouldn't be underdeveloped which makes me feel better but I still worry. Like an idiot I went on Google and looked up what could cause this. My doctor said it has nothing to do with my water intake but of course I feel to blame. Any positive comments, experiences ANYTHING really you could send my way 💜 FTM so I am in an unknown territory