
Sarah • 31 & Married 4/27/19 💑💍 Mommy to a beautiful baby girl! PCOS & hypothyroidism.

So...I first want to apologize for repeating this, I only do so for ladies who haven't already seen my other post. But I have been off birth control for 5 months now and I was ON b.c for 9 years. My questions is what "symptoms" have you experienced after going off birth control? For the last....idk 2 or 3 weeks (??) I have had slight nausea off and on. Like i would eat (and not even a large meal at that) and soon after feel like I could throw up. And I have had mild sharp pains on my left side and today, I have cramping almost like period cramps, however i take progesterone the 1st thru 7th of each month and don't start my periods until the 10th of the month. So my period isn't even due until a little over a week from now. Are these just normal signs of my body working itself out? (My last period was August 10th thru 16th. I have also tested for ovulation and haven't received any positives so I don't think it is ovulation)