Am I being unreasonable?

*long post sorry*

We have a trip to London booked for the first weekend of October and it’s about 3-3.5hrs drive (plus any rest stops for me and my uncontrollable bladder) - I’m due on the 17th.

I’m struggling really badly with SPD and acid reflux so sleep has become a thing of the past and I feel at the moment that pain is all I know. I don’t want to but I’m bringing my maternity leave forwards more than I’d have liked to as I can’t cope with the pain and hour commute (drive) each way - I find it painful to drive (changing pedals pulls at my pubic bone).

I’ve had really bad anxiety about this trip for a few weeks now as we’re going with another couple, some good friends of ours and sharing an apartment with them. The trip is for a running event my partner and his friend signed up to quite some time ago (before I got pregnant) and it was pretty expensive.

I’ve said for a few months now I’d wait and see how I feel but I’ve reached breaking point now and told him I really don’t want to go. I don’t want to be far from home that close to my due date and I’m uncomfortable sharing an apartment with other people whilst I’m in so much pain and my body is all over place.

My other half didn’t take any notice and just told me i would be fine. I asked what we would do if I went into labour early and had her a week or so before we’d be meant to go and he thinks we’d take a week or so old baby on a trip which I absolutely do not want to do. The only way at the minute he’s sees us not going is if I have baby early and have to have a csection because he knows the recovery for that takes much longer.

I haven’t broached it yet but I have a feeling he might still go without me and leave me at home (I hope he doesn’t but this is just my gut feeling). It would be just my luck that that would be the weekend I go into labour and he misses the birth, and I don’t think I’d ever forgive him for that.

Am I being unreasonable not wanting to go? I know babies are unpredictable and I could even go 2 weeks over, we’ve paid a lot of money for this trip and whilst it would grieve me to lose it I don’t want to be far from home so close to my due date. I think he’s more concerned about letting our friends down but they’re a good couple and I know they’d understand. I’m so stressed out 🙁