Am I in the wrong?

Ok so basically a few days ago my friend blew my phone up for a ride home, at literally 7 am. I didn’t have my car with me at the time so I couldn’t do it, told her no and that was it. I messaged our other close friend later in the day and I was like “it’s so weird for her to call at 7 am for a ride, I wonder where she was” because she hasn’t had a boyfriend in almost 2 months and she literally never leaves her house, it was just out of character, and we just left it alone. And then like yesterday she told me she was at some guys house that day, and that she had the most uncomfortable sexual experience with him because he was very sloppy with all of it and it felt gross to her, so that’s why she wanted to go home at 7 am. It was a boy we knew she had been kinda flirting with in messages and stuff and she had even made out with him last summer at some thing, so I was joking around with her, all that, we were having a perfectly fine conversation.

And I messaged our mutual friend and was like “oh she was at (his name)’s house” that’s all I said, I didn’t tell them about the sexual stuff, none of that. And then she found out I told our friend and she’s mad at me and saying she’s no longer my friend over it. All I did was say where she was at because we were generally concerned about where she was because it was out of character. We knew she had already been texting this boy for a minute, sexual things too, she had told us all about it so it’s not like it was some big secret she wanted to do stuff with him, and even then I didn’t tell our friend that she did. I think she’s kinda being dramatic about it, really, she’s been getting angry over the smallest stuff lately and literally causing day long fights over things for no reason. She never told me “hey don’t tell anyone where I was” or any of that. It was just a normal conversation and I didn’t spread all the details just the main point of where she was at when we were concerned for her.