Double stroller or not?? (3y3m yo and newborn)


***short version: please give your experience and opinions about double strollers being necessary or worth it when having a three year age gap between kids

More detail:

At the point of my dd my first born we be 3 years and 3 months old. I obsessively have been researching double strollers since before we even decided to start trying for number 2. I’m completely overwhelmed about what double stroller to use, and some even say don’t bother!

My currently 2.5 year old still sits in her stroller at the mall, Disney, when I need her to for longer shopping trips, but she’s also very independent and likes to walk. She only goes in the stroller when tired or when I make her because I need to move faster than she can. But by the time she’s 3 idk that those will be issues anymore.

Double strollers are expensive too, especially the ones that actually get pretty good reviews.

Will I even find a need for one right away? or would it be easier and cheaper to baby wear the newborn and use an easy single stroller that I already own for the first couple months or so. Maybe I could let the LO be in the stroller when my oldest doesn’t need to be, and keep a baby wrap for the probably infrequent times that my oldest will go in the stroller.

I know a lot of the factors for this are lifestyle and based on the personality of the first born.

What are your experiences as parents of two kids?