
I don’t feel like I really mean anything to my boyfriend. We’ve been together almost a year now and recently it feels like something is very off. It feels like I’m just a warm body to keep beside him at night, a placeholder for someone he wishes he had instead. I’m so tired of feeling so worthless and unwanted by everyone in my life, especially now my boyfriend. I don’t understand what I did wrong to deserve this feeling. I’m so tired and depressed and honestly sometimes I feel like I’m going to relapse into self harm any day now. I’m so fucking tired. We don’t talk anymore, he gets annoyed at me so quickly, he’s always on his phone when I make an effort not to use it at all because he used to get pissed that I’d check a game or two while we watched TV before bed. I recently went through a lot of bad shit and occasionally if I cry or get overwhelmed, he gets annoyed and tells me I need to make friends because I can’t talk to him about my problems, that that’s what friends are for and if I talk to him when I get upset that’ll put a “strain on the relationship...” even though I’m constantly listening to his problems and how he feels about working for 4 hours only once a week. I’m so empty, I feel like I’ve given away every single ounce of myself to him, friends who backstabbed me, and my family, and there’s nothing left anymore. Absolutely nothing.