Gender neutral pregnancy


So, my husband and I decided not to find out the gender of our rainbow baby. It's been hard but it's nice to know we'll have a good surprise with the birth of our little one. I'm carrying small as the baby was last measured in the 20th percentile but perfectly proportioned but that doesnt mean people have stopped making guess based on how I'm carrying (despite there being no scientific data one way or the other). I know this is par for the course but it's extremely frustrating to me. I was talking with my grandma today and she told me that my aunt has crocheted a blue blanket because she swears it's going to be a boy. The number of people who refuse to accept our gender neutral approach has been grating on me more and more. Am I wrong to be annoyed that people cant respect our wishes about going with gender neutral until the baby arrives? I'm really not sure if I'm just being emotional from the hormones or if I'm right to be frustrated and feel disrespected.