Old friend

I finished freshman year of high school and right now it’s summer break which is almost over. Last year me and my best friend stopped being friends. We went into different classes and eventually she made her own friends and I made my own friends. Well call my friend A and her two friends B and C. B and C were really close best best friends and A was they’re best friend. Me and A kind of started drifting apart. At lunch time I would hang out with her and her friends and I always felt like a third wheel and excluded. I tried talking to her about it a few times but she just told me that she doesn’t feel that way and ended the conversation. This continued on for a few months of the school year and through the school year her two friends have been having some friendship problems. B was talking to me and said that she C acted like they were best friends but they both knew they weren’t really best friends and that she felt like she and C were drifting apart. I agreed with her and said that I felt the same way between me and A. But me and A were still really good friends and I when I agreed with her I didn’t mean that me and A aren’t really best friends even though we act like we are. I meant that I know how it feels when you and your best friend aren’t very close anymore and it feels like you’re starting to drift apart. B told A I said this and me and A got into a fight. I tried to explain it to her but I guess I didn’t explain it well enough. I remember she told me “do you know how much that hurt me when I found out you said this?”. And I remember feeling so terrible,and I still do. The next day she told me she didn’t want to be friends anymore. And she and her friends told everyone I said this when they asked why we weren’t friends anymore. I remember crying so much and being so so sad because I lost my one really close true friend. At the end of the year everybody got a booklet for all of your grade to sign. And in mine she wrote “thank you for all of the amazing memories I will keep them close. Good luck in high school”. And we both went to separate high schools. B and I went to the same high school and A and C went to the same high school. Me and B put these things aside and we’re not super close friends with each other but we’re friendly towards each other. B and A stopped being friends in high school. I remember B asked me at the beginning of freshman year if I wished me and A were still friends. I lied and said no even though I did and asked her if she did. She said no and told me they were pretty fake to each other. I put everything to the back of my mind for the school year and I just remembered it recently and was thinking about it. It makes me feel like such a horrible person when I think that she was my bestest closest friend. And I shared so many memories with her and then I genuinely hurt her. I hurt my best friend and I feel so terrible. I feel like a horrible person. I found her on Snapchat but I didn’t add her. I feel like I should contact her and apologize. Not to be her friend again, I already know she probably doesn’t want to be my friend again and I understand that. I just want to say sorry for hurting you. I know she’s probably already moved on. And don’t want to reopen old wounds or bother her. I really want to apologize but at the same time I’m thinking she’s probably happy right now and enjoying life. I don’t want to jump back into it and bother her. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if should contact her and talk to her, or just learn to forgive myself and move forward. I don’t know if I’m just being dumb for thinking all of this or not. I really hope I’m not. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do. I feel really bad but I don’t know if I’m feeling bad and worrying for no reason. What should I do? I would really appreciate feedback. Also I’m sorry this was so long.