Ladies please help guide me and give me clarity!!

My significant other and I had sex on Jul 12(ovulation day) and I was not aware I was unsure if I had been impregnated or not so I decided I would wait 2 weeks in which my cycle will be on as of the 26th of Aug well I ended up going to the hospital they tested me and It was negative the Friday Prior to my next cycle so I didnt think anything of it however, I have been cramping as if my cycle is coming and nothing this will be week 2 and my cycle still has not come on... Like I stated I have been cramping, I have been having a lot of gas however am not going to the rest room ... I am wondering if I am pregnant because he has also states he has been sleeping a lot more than usual he asked if i am pregnant and I told him no because i really dont know ... My appetite im just eating and usually when my period comes i crave for sweets I didn't crave for sweets I have been eating chips and pickles , peanut butter and jelly sandwiches 😂 ... I feel like I am losing breath just walking up the street however I am not sure if I am pregnant or if its just in my head this would be my first pregnancy and I am praying I am expecting but as of now I just dont know I was going to wait and see if my cycle will come before testing ...