Anxious about this pregnancy

Kaitlyn • 2014/2018/2020/2021/2022

2018 in February my husband and I decided to try for a baby. I have been on Nuvaring birth control for a year, my periods like clock work.

By the first week in March I was pregnant. Our little girl arrived on thanksgiving.

My period returned when she was 10 weeks old. I skipped one in April, and in May, June, and July they were closer together and longer.

Come August 20th, I found out I was expecting again. By complete surprise.

( i had two days of very light spotting, not all day just once went I went to the bathroom. On two different days) which I’ve never had before. But for some reason this time I’m so worried about it, the pregnancy almost doesn’t seem real to me.

I’ve taken four tests. Two blue dye even. All positive.

I’ve been nauseous as all get out.

I’ve read things about periods being like that you can not ovulate. Others you can over ovulate.

Now my husband wants twins.

I’m six weeks today and here they typically don’t see you until ten weeks.

Am I the only one who it just doesn’t seem real this pregnancy!

Wish me luck!