I don't know whats Wrong with my vagina!

Okay so this is really personal and may be gross so read at your own risk.

For about a year now, my vagina/ vulva has been peeling skin. It's usually been on and off but for some reason this month it hasn't gone away. I went and got tested for any STDs and infections but I came out clean. I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for more than a year and so I've only had one sexual partner. At first I thought it was just remaining toilet paper bc the way the skin came off resembled rolled up toilet paper. However after scrubbing in the shower, I'd still find that even if I touched it or rubbed it, skin would just roll off. My Dr referred me to a dermatologist to rule out any skin disorders but the cream she prescribed basically burned my vagina. So I'm just asking if anyone has gone through something similar or has any advice. Please help.

I also do have genital herpes type 1 and I take medication almost daily. I've read about "asymptomatic shedding" but idk if that's what I have bc everything I have researched said it was "asymptomatic."