Terrible first ”down there” appointment

I went to my local GP about an issue I’ve been having with my vagina- it’s definitely abnormal but when I went she was dismissive as I’m a virgin and it’s “probably just because I haven’t had sex yet”and I couldn’t really get my point across because I don’t really know what I’m looking at. When she decided to have a look to see what I was going on about I was visibly in some discomfort and pain- I actually hissed at her- she told me to take a deep breath. Once it was all done she said there was nothing abnormal but I might experience some bleeding as there was a small cut- nothing about her causing the small cut which I felt her do (see hissing at her) and then sent me on my way.

Note the cut now stings when I pee which I didn’t even think about before it happened.

All I know is if she had seen what was down there and what is still down there she wouldn’t have said there was nothing there- at the very least she would have said this is what’s there but it’s nothing to worry about. Because most people don’t have two holes in their vagina!

I don’t know what to do now- I’m scared to go back for a second opinion but I also never ever ever want to have sex after that experience I don’t think I can have anyone down there again

But I’m scared for my future - how can I have a relationship with someone when I’m scared of my own vagina? how could I ever have kids?

So sorry for the long post- I just had a lot to say - please tell me what to do I feel like I’m going mad.