Hello everyone, today September 2, 2019 At around 12:40pm I was fixing my daughter and I breakfast (we woke up pretty late bc we stay up till midnight-1:30am) anddddd! As I was putting the eggs on & I SO SUDDENLY! Feel this fluid just trickle down my leg 😳 and I INSTANTLY START TO PANIC WHILE TRYING NOT TO PANIC BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER WAS WITH ME .

Soo anyways my mother in-law was sitting in her room folding laundry so I go and stand in front of her and pause and go “hey ma, uhhh I think my water just broke”😂😱 and she gets scared too😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️ so NOW WERE BOTH SCARED

And she calls my husband (who

Was at iHop eating with his brother) and he’s panicking as well so now WE’RE all panicking! Lol 😂 he’s rushing through stop lights trying to get to me ! Lollll

Anyways! Besides all of that I did seek medical care and they told me nothing! Pertaining to the fluid . They only swabbed and took a simple to “test it” everything came back normal so they say.. they checked my cervix and I’m 1cm dilated and my cervix is starting to soften but it’s still high and they did do

A urine simple and ultrasound. What does that have to do with the fluid though ? and I just know that was not urine! It was clear , no scent and the way it was running it was not urine, someone please help me , what could this be ? I’m cramping a little right now but it’s tolerable. Have this happened to anyone before ? I really just want my son to be okay , they were really packed so I believe they were just trying to get me in and out , although I waited for about a 35min to a hr to be seen.. what should I do ? They did send me home but I just feel like something isn’t right and I know you should always go with your first intuition but I feel bc they are doctors they are “right” .. I’ve had dreams that he died in side of me so that’s really where my panic stems from .. please help!

BY THE WAY I AM 37 weeks as of today.