I’m worried now!!😓


Anyone else try to deliver baby at 34 weeks?? I tried to go into labor today with my son at 34 weeks exactly.. yesterday I was having blurred vision, felt like blacking out a few times, dull achy cramping above my groin area(which did actually continue today), mind you my blood pressure has been great the whole time with this pregnancy so I was confused when it randomly hit me yesterday afternoon. I got up this morning felt “okay” didn’t feel the greatest and then noticed my hands were swollen so I called OB and she told me to go to er where I found out I was having contractions every 2 minutes which didn’t get painful until after they did the IV with fluids then they increased so much and I had so much pressure so they followed that with three shots to calm my contractions which finally worked. Thank god I didn’t deliver him today. But is there anything I should expect here in the next few days or did anyone end up going right back cause it started again?? Just curious to know if anyone has had a similar experience😓