Bleeding at 6 weeks and 3 days

janayy • Ok

So around 12 o’clock today while i was at work giving a pedicure I noticed a period blood smell i go to the restroom and i was right ! I saw a dark spot in my underwear about 2x bigger than a quarter .i said dark because i had on red underwear when i went to wipe it was bright red blood . It wasn’t heavy but its wasn’t streaky light either . Also ive been having mild cramping on and off since last week . .today i was cramping to the point where it was uncomfortable to stay still up until 8:00 ..its 9:00 now i checked and still blood but the cramps

have stopped .. im just wondering is this normal because this is my first pregnancy and i forgot to mention i had sex yesterday so maybe that is why the cramps are stronger and theres blood?

UPDATE: yesterday day I went to the ER as the cramps got stronger .they took blood urine and a pelvic test also a US. They told me they couldn’t pick up a heartbeat due to me only being 6 weeks and the vaginal US looked slightly abnormal and my cell count was low. They went on to explain that bleeding and cramping is normal and that it could go away and i could have a normal pregnancy..and then at the same time said that i could also pass tissue and miscarriage in the coming days . They also said that miscarriages are normal in the first trimester.

So this morning I went to use the restroom and then this

I have an appointment today with my ob so put in a baggie to take with me. I honestly don’t know how to feel about this..