Hopefully Some Good Symptoms!


So last week (night of 8/25) I woke up 3 times with super painful cramping in my lower abdomen. I NEVER wake up in the middle of the night. My husband and I have been TTC since April and this the first month that I have tracked BBT and CM, no ovulation tests on account of me traveling a lot for work this month. My fertile window was 8/19-8/25. We did the baby dance 8/18, 8/23 & 8/24.

In addition, the past couple of days I have had lower backaches (which I have all of the time due to past sports injuries) so I am not too concerned about that, but I’ve been getting them when I sit down and randomly every once in a while. I have also been getting slight cravings (which I never crave anything). My acne was really bad earlier this week (only a couple of DPO). Finally, I’ve been getting acid reflux, which I NEVER have.

AF is supposed to come later this week so I am trying to wait it out so I don’t get disappointed by another negative. But some of these symptoms are having me think that I should take one.

Anybody have symptoms like these before getting a BFP?