My Round #2 Femara (Letrozole) Experience: PREGNANT!

Rachel • 💍Happily Married 11.11.17 •💔Miscarried @ 5wks 07.03.18 •🌈👶🏾💙due June2020

*Background details are posted under my Round #1 journey.*

AF came exactly on the 31st (seriously at like 1am) just like Glow said. That has never happened. So Round #2 starts tonight. My doc initially said he was increasing me to 5mg but then decided for me to try 2.5mg again. Has anyone repeated a dosage amount and been successful?


So my doc office actually corrected the dosage and put me on 5mg. I had taken 1-2.5mg pill the night of 9/2(CD3) but the remaining four nights were 5mg. I’m on CD10 today. Remember how I “restarted” my 🔴 around this time during the first round? None of that so far. I’m also not irritable (yet). I hope these aren’t signs that the medication was not effective. So far no sign of ovulation. Testing daily. What cycle day did you ovulate, or at least enter your fertile window, according to an OPK?

*** Spoke too soon. Starting to cramp 😳

Update 9/16: So everything seems to be going good this round. I never ended up with a “2nd period”. I was nervous because My Clearblue Digital OPK read Low (the empty circle) all the way up until Friday morning which was day 14. Then Saturday (cycle day 15) morning I got the friggin flashy smiley (High fertility)I was like okaaaaay something’s shaking.

Glow didn’t anticipate my fertile window to start until like the end of next week but I was worried because I have to tell the doc yay or nay by day 18 whichever comes first remember? Last round I had the flashy smiley for 5 days in a row so yesterday I tested again expecting a flashy smiley but nope... SOLID SMILEY! (And extra ol’ ‘me also tested with a Pregmate OPK strip and that showed a strong surge too) Your girl hit PEAK.

Now the TMI. So Hubs and I have been swapping skin every other day and we said we’d go at it everyday once fertile window opened. So it was on Saturday and again yesterday. I also added Pre-Seed because why not right? Thought about “legs in the air” but I don’t even know how long you have to do that for it to work. Anyway, today I reported to Doc and I go in for Progesterone labs Saturday or Monday. Send all the prayers, wishes, hopes, spirit fingers, and baby dust this way please.

UPDATE 9/22: I went in for Progesterone labs yesterday morning and to my surprise the result was loaded today..... 6.5 💔. Higher dose and a smaller result. I took it hard earlier but I’m in better spirits now. Just trying to decide if I want to do another round of Letrozole or take a break to focus on health and fitness for now. Last year When I unknowingly got pregnant I had adopted a Ketogenic lifestyle and exercised regularly. I shed nearly 20lbs in a short period. I hadn’t heard of Femara or ever purchased an OPK for that matter. I just ended up pregnant. Going to pillow talk with Hubs tonight to determine the next best course for our family at this time. I’m seriously thinking its best to diet and exercise but continue to test with my Pregmate OPK strips just to be aware of how my body is responding and know if there’s a chance I could be pregnant. We definitely don’t want to “not know” ever again. Thanks for following my journey. We’re all in this together.

UPDATE 9/27: Apparently Round#2 continues! I got a BFP today! I my Doc ordered labs so I had a Quant drawn around 11:30 this morning. Waiting on results and next steps. I’m still nervous about the low progesterone reading. Praying it’s increasing as it should or that my Doc becomes as eager to put me on a supplement/suppository regiment as I am. I asked for Progesterone labs today but he didn’t order them.