Baby Fights Naps- Help!


Hi mamas (and dads),

How do you handle a baby who fights naps?

My 10-mo old daughter usually takes her first nap within two hours of waking up, but after that, anything goes. She refuses to fall asleep unless it’s been well over 3 hours since she woke up (usually 4 hours or more). I aim to get her to sleep around 7 each night but when she pushes her naps back, it usually ends up being 8:30-9. We wake around 7 am.

If she’s not being held, her naps are just 20-45 minutes long, but if held she can sleep up to 3 hours 🤪

She’ll fall asleep easier for other people and even naps during church band practice, but I find lately I have to take her into a dark quiet room and rock her forever, or else nurse her and hope she’ll fall asleep. I can’t lay her in her crib awake or she’ll scream endlessly (we have coslept until this week and we are gently transitioning to crib).

I’m sure we need a lot of help, so send me any advise you have on naps and perhaps even sleep scheduling. Thanks in advance!

Here’s a picture of our little nap-hater (two hours late for her nap at the time, lol) 💕