Questions about period


I have serious questions regarding my period and the Birth control i am on. I started spotting on August 25 and then on the 26 was when my period came on completely it is now September 4th and i am still on my period. I ak confused as to why my period hasnt went away it started before i got to the green pills of my birth control monessa which is suppose to help my period come on. When i got this pack the doctor told me my period would he irregular for august but not that it would be prelonged. I did also miss my bc pill a day or two and was couple hours late taking it once or twice. I am not expering no other side affects and my period is not heavy like it usually be. Could this be the reason for my period to still be here. Even though i was late taking pills and missed maybe once or twice i am back on track taking the pills fir my currrent pack. Should i skip the rest of my pack i am on and go to a new one or finish out this one first. Please help just wanna make sure i am not tripping