My Mom Ruined Our Gender Reveal


We had, or I should say, we were supposed to have a very nice, private, family gender reveal this past Saturday. I’ll try to keep it short. But I doubt it’ll be be short.

She came and picked us up in the morning. The first thing we had to do was to go and get the balloons filled. While I tried to get the balloons in the car (after being filled), she started having what I would call a massive attitude. She started yelling at my son because he “wasn’t helping” with the balloons, and ordering my husband to do this or that. I kept telling her there was nothing my son could really do to help. I was busy trying to handle the balloons and make sure the wind didn’t take them away) But my son was trying to help anyway. I didn’t need help, I needed a few minutes to deal with the balloons. Then on the way back to her house (where we were having the gender reveal) she started bitching about how one of the balloons popped while putting it in the car. (It was $1.99 and the guy told us that those balloons tend to be weak and might pop). She also started saying that she should have gone by herself to get the balloons filled because having everyone in the car was just to hard when getting the balloons in the car. We went to help with the balloons. They were larger balloons.

Then when we finally got back to the house, we started to decorate. She didn’t like how we put the nearly $6.00 gender reveal table cloth on the table where we were going to do the gender reveal at. She wanted to cut it in half (the nearly $6 plastic table cloth we JUST bought. And by we, I mean my husband and I) and tape it to the table, because, according to her, the way my husband had it made it look “trashy”. I didn’t think so. I thought it looked fine. She was pushing that we needed to change it to the way SHE wanted it. Even though my husband kept saying that he liked it how it was. Then she kept saying over and over “I don’t want to push the subject but...” and would just repeat over and over again what she wanted us to do with the table cloth. I did try to talk to her and get her to see it how we saw it. But I didn’t get a chance. She had a MASSIVE hissy fit and started saying “It’s your guy’s day, you do it how ever you want.” Ummm... YEAH! WTH?!

At the point, my husband is very angry.

Well, as hubby and I continued to decorate, she went off somewhere else in the house and did her own thing. I tried to ask her a number of times how she liked the decorations, but she responded exactly the same each time. “It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s your guy’s day.”

We finally finished (and by this point, with her attitude and behavior my husband was extremely angry, but keeping it to himself). I finally decided to just do the gender reveal and get it over with. So we did it, and my son popped the balloon. Asking her if we should try to use a pin or a knife was another issue. “It doesn’t matter to me. It’s not my day.” I told her that it was her house. She just repeated herself and shrugged her shoulders.

I decided to use one of her knives for my son to pop the balloon with. We did the reveal, my son was very happy because he found out he is getting a baby brother!

The plan after the reveal was to have a bbq. So we did. During our dinner, she decided to pull out a bottle of wine and drank the whole bottle by herself within 40 minutes.

After eating, my husband and I put together the swing that she got us (because she has decided to not go to my baby shower, so she let us see and put together what she got for the baby. We just weren’t allowed to take it home). By the time we were done, it was after 9pm and we wanted to go home. We live less than a mile from her. She wanted us to stay, but we said no. She didn’t like that we told her no to staying either. During the 5 minute drive to our place, she said 9 times (my husband counted) “I hope I don’t get pulled over because I drank a whole bottle of wine by myself.” (which she finished off over an hour before, but SHE insisted to drive us home the less than a mile, because she wanted us to take all the balloons and decorations home with us.)

Then, after we got back home and unloaded the car, she asked me 3 times if I had fun and if I had a good time. Obviously, I lied and said yes. Why would I want to start a fight?

I should have listened to my instincts and left before the gender reveal when she started having her attitude.

Sorry it was so long. But we (my husband and I) are very upset how she acted and just completely destroyed our happy gender reveal! You can only have a gender reveal once, and she ruined ours.

Here’s some pictures of the decorations we did that she didn’t like.

And the popping of the balloon.